Wednesday, April 22, 2009

kembali pulih...

alhamdulillah.. selepas 7 hari tiada air di umP..skrang semua pelajar dpt menikmati air dio blok masing-masing.. time kasih atas segala usaha oleh pihak berwajib yang bertungkus lumus utk mendapatkan bekalan air di ump..skrang pelajar dpt menjalankan aktiviti harian mereka dengan baik dan ramai yg telah mengambil peluang yg ade utk membasuh bj termasuklah aku sendiri.. hehe.. ape2 pon kita kne redha ape saje ujian yg Allah bg kat kite sb ble kita redha dgn ujian tersebut, Allah akan redha terhdp kita juga.. sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil lagi Maha Mengetahui.. semoga segala kekangan yg berlaku ini dpt memberi pengajaran kpd kita semua..

Monday, April 20, 2009

air oh air

hari ni dah genap 6 hari tak de air kat UMP..sedey tol..sejak dr hari khamis minggu lepas lagi.. hari- hari kne bgun awl utuk ke toilet yg jauh dari blik dan blok sendiri.. tp bgus jgk,..leh solat subuh berjemaah kat masjd.. alhamdulillah..pihak berwajib ump sendiri pon dh bertungkus lumus dan berhempas pulas utuk mendapatkan air utk warga UMp.. dgr citenya, pump rosak dah pon dibaiki.. tp kami warga ump still lg x dpt air.. hmmm.. dgr cite plak..tangki pula rosak.. aduihh..selama duk kat umP ni x pernah mengalami krisis air yg sebegini teruk,.. biasanya 2-3 hari dh hmpr semiggu.. mmg btol2 ujian Allah.. sb selain dr masalah air, ktorg, minggu ni dh stat final exam.... mmg byk masalah yg melanda kami wrga ump ni terutamanya hal nk basuh bj..sabar je la..hehehe... ramai pelajar yg ade sedare and umah kat sini, balek time ni.. tp mujur gak.. sb kurang persaingan sket..hihihi.. yg agak kesian bg kami ialah tgh2 mlm pon still ade yg cari air..begitu lah keadaan kami skrang..

Kami kene trima ujian Allah ini dengan tabah dan sabar.. jgan bersungut sb setiap ape pon ujian yg Allah berikan pasti ade hikmah nya.. dan ingatlah Allah bg ujian kepada seseorang itu berdasarkan kemampuan hambaNya... sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha menilai dan Maha Mengetahui.. Alhamdulillah, walaupon dah 6 hari ketiadaan air, tp ade je certain2 tempat yg ade air dan ade lori air yg dtg mengisi air di tangki statik di blok kediaman..n setiap hari kami buleh mandi lagi.. maknya xde lagi la stakt ni org yg busuk x mandi.. kecualilah org tu sendri yg x berusaha utk mandi..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


sekarang ni..minggu ni adalah minggu utk yana n sahabat2 sekalian study.. week da final exam... minggu ni kami kene struggle..btol2 struggle la.. ulang kaji balek ape yang dah blaja dlu.. kalu x..ish..nk jwb ape dlm final nti.. so, utk itu, semoga kami berjaya dlm final nanti.. kpd sape yg bc blog ni doakan kami yer.. kepada sape2 yg ade terasa ati atau termakan ati ker, atau ape2 je la dengan yana, yana nk mintak maaf byk2.. sb kita kan manusia.. xterlepas dr melakukan kesilapan.. semoga kita semua dapat berhijrah ke arah yang lebih baik.. semoga hari ini lebih baik dr semlm n esok lebih baik dr hari ini.. yana doakan supaya kita semua berjaya dlm final exam nanti..
sekali lagi.. semoga kita dapat exam dengan hati yang tenang.. selalu lah berdoa pada Allah, minta Allah permudahkan kita menjawab exam nanti.. jgn lupe solat hajat..!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


yana n geng2 yana, uyu, kak ayu, imah n nabilah masuk pertndingan ni..mulanya ktorg dok sir (xnk) nk ho lah, atas sb tertentu, dengan syarat tertntu ktorg masuk..utk memenuhi syarat kemasukan pertandingan ni..ktorg wat model "Water Tower".. nama model ktorg ni muncul pada hr nk kne hntr model ni.. ktorg buat dlu model ni..pastu br bg nm.. pelik x ktorg..??? .spttnya kne rancang awl2 kan.. mcm ni..???
ni la model ktorg
Ala ni model budk tahun 1.. ms prsent pon xtahu mende nk present ms presentation hr tuh..aku senyap jer.. dh xtahu nk jwb ape.. hahaha... byk faktor yg ktorg kne amik tahu.. mcm tinggi model tu.. mende yg mcm tu pon, ktorg x endah,, ye lah.. tinggi model spttnya ktorg kne jwb je ape yg terlintas di hati... ms present, kak ayu yg present. kesian kak ayu..ble juri tnya xleh nk jwb.. ktorg lagi lah.. sori kak yu..nasib baik la org yg jd juri hr tu pn. ezzahtul ngan en. effendy.. kt org dh biasa dgn lecturer tu.. pn. ezzahtul plak ske sakat uyu.. die tu mmg knl sgt uyu tu mcm mn.. uyu plak jenis hok ske gurau.. ble dua2 brtemu.. hmm..phm2 je la..
ni juri yang amik markah ktorang..

tiba masa nk pembhgian hadiah kan.. ktorg duk kt barisan depan skali berbanding dgn org lain..wah semngatnya !!!!! hahaha.. perkara yg paling memalukan telah ni antara ktorg je la.. nk tahu??? hmm.. meh nk cite..ktorang kan bg tugas sape nk g amik hadiah kalu menang.. die ni kate org ni g amik,.. org tu kate org ni g amik.. chey..budjet menang ar... group ktorg ar yg agk bising.. group kat belakang ktorg senyap je.. bising duk bg tugas ar.. last-last belakang yg menang... wat malu je.. persoalannya kat cni kan..sape yg paling malu antr ktorg..?? korang jwb la sendr..hahahhahahhahaha...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

a family is this...

To be apart of a family like mine
is so divine
where love is shown
hurt is shared
our love for each other is never impaired

we talk
we laugh
we cry
but we are a family
and we do it all together
for as a family
we do it all as one
you hurt one
you hurt all
and as a family unit
we will all stand tall

for we are family
a family full of strength
a family full of love
a family no one can touch
that, s why I love my family so much.

Makenzee Ryan

InterFaith DialoGue..(IFD'09)

Last was 21 of march 2009 was interfaith dialog programmed. It was held at Astaka UMP. About 300 students and staff were attend to this programmed. Moreover, 68 students from UTM, Skudai also attend to this programmed.
The main objective this programme, to make students or people understand about other religion. This is because we are Malaysian and there are lots of religion in Malaysia. So, we have to understand to each other so that we can live in peace and harmony..
The panel for IFD are En. Lim Jooi Soon ( Islam ), Dr. Wong Sien Biang (Buddha), En. Joel Christie Isaiah (Christian), Dr. Rajagopal(Hindu).
IFD's committes

Saturday, March 21, 2009

best 09..

my friends and I..

why i put this picture?? this is because of this story la..last saturday and sunday, i have to join a bengkel. it was held at Agro Resort Sg Semuji. There was 35 students who were the sekretariat MPP.. we went there at 9.30 am in the saturday morning. we took only about half an hour to reach there. semuji resort was so beautiful. furthermore, semuji have deer, cat and "burung unta"..

what bengkel i joined actually??? the bengkel is Bengkel Sekretariat MPP (BEST 09).. the bengkel started after we reach there and it begins by separating us into groups. there were 5 groups all together. after that, ice breaking activity so that we can know to each other. the first activity, our group was cheated by a piece of paper that contains 17 questions. after we got the paper, we answer all the questions without check the order given at the back of that paper. we actually have to answer some of the questions given only.. haha.. we shamed.. moreover, we also shamed again after we made the name of our group. our group name was "Mc Zoroz".. what that made our group shamed was when after we present our group's name we forgot to make our group cheer.. so, we have to get into the pentas twice.. hohoho..

my group member..MC ZOROZ

in the evening, we listened the talk from Mantan MPP, Salman Razeni. he gave talk on Teamwork. you know what?? Salman wanted us to sing a teamwork song.. hmm..what do you think?? what were the song that relates to this song.. yes, wonderpets song.. haha.. i can't believe that..all students sing that song proudly..ahahhahaha... and after that En. Saharudin give talk on "Carta Organisasi JHEPA". why he gave us that topic?? hmm.. i think he wanted we know who the person that we have to meet when we got work to discuss. for example the problem about money.. PTPTN.. and what so ever la.. problem encounted....

at night, we got KEMBARA MALAM..what kembara malam actually?? kembara malam was the activity that each group need to get MPP signiture.. but before we got the signiture, we must answer the task given when we meet the MPP.. if we get the bad luck, they wanted to blow our candle so that we have to prepare something that that prentend our candle.. our group was the second last the finished the Kembara Malam..

next morning, we played the last activity which was the Jejak Activity. huhuhu… it was a very enjoyable activity because this activity made us to run at all place in Semuji Resort. So that, we can see deers, burung unta and cats. our group was the second group that reached at the second last point. After we solve the second last point, we have to wait until all group finished up their task because the last task need all group combine together and solve the last task. The last task was 346?9!. and we success because we can solve that task.

after that activity, we got chances to go to the deer site and burung unta site. I also got chances to take picture with deers and burung unta.

And now, it times our main event where all the secretariat will accept their “surat perlantikan” as Sekretariat MPP. It was begin with the talk by Yang DiPertua MPP, Mohd Suffi and En. Shukor from Bahagian Pembangunan Pelajar, JHEPA..and then we accept the surat perlantikan by him..the majlis ending at 12.00 in the afternoon and we went to UMP at 1 pm after lunch.